1: Did you know some people have a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of their mouths? It's called Arachibutyrophobia.
2: The sound of a woman screaming in space doesn't exist because there is no air to carry the sound waves.
3: In 1929, a man named William Chester Minor helped write the Oxford English Dictionary while he was in a mental asylum.
4: The largest living organism on Earth is a fungus in Oregon that spans over 2,385 acres.
5: The average person will eat around 70 assorted bugs and insects while sleeping in their lifetime.
6: Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old.
7: The CIA once tried to turn a cat into a spy by implanting a microphone and transmitter in its ear.
8: There is a condition called "Cotard's Syndrome" where people believe they are dead, don't exist, or have lost their internal organs.
9: In the early 20th century, radium was marketed as a health tonic and added to products like toothpaste and chocolate bars.